Common Questions

We are so happy you have chosen to stay here with us for the school year. It is important to us that we make your stay here as fun and safe as possible! Please take a few minutes to read through this packet to help answer some questions that we see quite frequently. Thank you for making Oakridge your home away from home! 

Important Things to Remember:

Contract Payments-
Payments on your contracts are always due on the first of every month. There are many ways that you can make your payment, online, in the office, or call in with credit card number. We do not accept cash, checks, or money orders. 

Mail and Packages-
To receive mail and packages you will need to change your mailing address at the post office to: 
1355 N 800 E Apt ___
Logan, UT 

All mailboxes are located outside the clubhouse. Each apartment has one key for the mail that is shared between roommates. The front office does not receive packages but we will give you a call if we get one by mistake.

OAKRIDGE IS A NO PET PROPERTY! There are no pets allowed on the property at any time. Guests are not allowed to bring pets on the property. There will be a fine of $50.00 per day along with the cost of any cleaning and/or damage caused by the pet.

Alcohol, Tobacco, & Drugs-
Alcohol, tobacco, or drugs of any kind are not allowed on property.  If you, your roommates, and/or guests are found with alcohol, tobacco, or drugs, there will be a fine of $200 per person and possible eviction. Oakridge Management has the right to involve police in these instances.

No weapons of any kind are allowed on the property. Please respect your roommates, other residents, and the property. Everyone’s safety is a huge priority for us. If you are caught with a weapon you will be charged $200.00 per weapon.

Roommate Meetings-
It is important that you have a roommate meeting at the beginning of the school year to go over what each roommate can expect from each other. RESPECT GOES A LONG WAY! Keep lines of communication open. If you have any problems or concerns, management would be more than happy to help in any way they can.


When is the Main Office open?

Monday – Friday 11am to 7pm and Saturday 10am to 4pm. Closed on Sundays and Holidays.

Who do I call if I get locked out?

Call the Office Phone (435-753-6555) during office hours.

After 7pm, call (435-757-2162) The first time is free, after that it is $25. 

How can I reserve the clubhouse?

Come to the Main Office and fill out a Clubhouse Rental Sheet. A $50 refundable deposit will be placed on your account. Reservations are first-come first-served.


How do I buy a contract and where should I look for one?

Find a seller via a friend, our blogspot (, or sites like Facebook Marketplace and KSL. 

How do I sell a contract?

Below is a list of items that MUST be completed by the seller in order for your contract to be sold. Oakridge is not responsible for making sure all the steps below have been completed, the seller is. If you have questions please feel free to give us a call.

  1. The buyer must fill out an application (online) and pay their own $230.00 deposit 

  2. Seller must sign “Addendum to Selling a Contract” 

  3. The buyer must sign “Addendum to Selling a Contract” 

  4. Buyer must sign an Oakridge contract (Online)

  5. Buyer must pay first month’s payment upon moving in

  6. Seller must pay the $150 Contract Transfer Fee 

How much is the application deposit and is it refundable?

The security deposit is $230. Up to $150 is refundable after move out. 

Do we have a waitlist?

No, we do not carry a waitlist. We recommend checking out our blogspot under “Buying or Selling a Contract”, scrolling to the bottom of the page, and looking at recent posts. (



Where can I park? 

Every resident must obtain a parking permit from the Main Office. They are included in your contract price. The sticker goes on the REAR bumper, on the LEFT hand side. Failure to do so will result in booting and/or towing at your own expense. 

Please clean the area before placing the sticker. 

Can I have a work vehicle?

You must submit a letter from your employer to the Main Office stating the vehicle is required for your job. This letter needs to include your name, the make/model of the vehicle, and the date. 

What if I have a temporary vehicle? 

You will need to obtain a temporary replacement vehicle form; they are valid for 14 days. The form is available online at Please click on the purple icon, and review all guidelines. 

Where is Visitor Parking?

Visitor Parking is in the East lot along the curb, under the trees, and against the brick/concrete walls. PAY ATTENTION TO POSTED SIGNS. We DO NOT offer overnight visitor parking Sunday - Thursday. 

What do I do if I get booted?

Call the number on the paper posted with the info to remove the boot. 

Do not contact management! 



How much is the key app and how do I use it?
The key app is $10 a semester. You must register for this at the Main Office. 

To use it, open the app (Livvi) on your phone, tap unlock, and place it on the door lock. Your Bluetooth must be on. 

Can my guests use the pool/hot tub?

Yes! However, you MUST wear your poolband. You are trespassing without it. You are allowed to bring 2 guests with you. Your guests must remain with you at all times while on the property. 

Can I put my own lock on my bedroom door?

Yes, only with Management's permission. Due to recurring damage to our doors, Maintenance is happy to install your lock for you. Locks found on doors that are not approved by Management will be removed. You must supply an extra key to your lock to the office in case of emergencies.

Can I burn candles?

No. There are no open flames allowed on the property. If staff sees a candle burning you will be charged $100. You may use candle warmers!

Which bathroom belongs to me?

If you have one of the back two rooms (bedrooms 1 or 2) you have the SMALL bathroom. The smaller rooms (bedrooms 3 or 4) have the BIG bathroom.

Following these guidelines will make everyone’s semester
go much more smoothly, and keep your apartment in tip-top shape!


Dominion Energy- Gas/Utilities
*if you smell a gas odor, call Dominion immediately, and then notify management. 

Logan City Dispatch- this is the local police station
*If you are contacting police about an issue ON property, please call management and let us know. 


 After-hour Emergencies  

Main Office 
Mon-Friday 11am-7pm 
Saturday 10am-4pm 
Sunday  Closed 



 6th of the month- Late Fee $30 & $10 Service Fee

13th of the month- an additional $10 Service Fee

20th of the month- an additional $10 Service Fee and a 3-day pay or vacate notice will be served. 

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